Work-Party Balance

Much more fun than a business conference, much more sustainable and fullfilling than just partying. The mornings are for "doing the work", the afternoons for "doing the fun".

Transform your reality

The goal is to inspire each other to find our ikigais. Instead of planing some months to co-create something cool at the event, we gather at ikiGaia and conceptualise change that you could take with you to your default world.


You want it? Make it happen!
Everything is possible, together we can do it.
There is e.g. no fixed line-up, DJs buy their tickets and co-create their scenario to gift their music.
Kids are welcome, parents co-organize their care.

Burning Man inspired

ikiGaia is based on the 10 principles of Burning Man, slighlty modified to create the purposeful mindset. It is still this great permission space that make us feel at home, just with the focus on creating real world projects with awesome people.

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